洪应明-《菜根谭·扫除外物 直觅本来》英文译文



《菜根谭·扫除外物 直觅本来》 洪应明


In everyone's heat there is a book of truth. But it is torn and incomplete, and its message is blurred. Deep in everyone's spirit is a beautiful melody, but it is drowned by lascivious chords. He who hankers after knowledge must reject all external temptations, and seek the essence of human nature. Only then will he be able to acquire really useful knowledge.

本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/yhfy/77732.html

上一篇:洪应明-《菜根谭·苦中有乐 得意生悲》英文译文 下一篇:洪应明-《菜根谭·学以致用 立业种德》英文译文