"He helped others with English" 可以用英语表达为 "He assisted others with their English" 或 "He provided assistance to others with their English"."Assist" 来源于拉丁语 "assistere",意思是 "to stand by" 或 "to be present at"。 "Provide" 来源于拉丁语 "providere",意思是 "to prepare ahead of time"。
He assisted me with my English homework. (他帮助我做英语作业。)
He provided assistance to the foreign students with their English language skills. (他为外国学生提供英语语言技能方面的帮助。) "He helped others with English" 可以用英语表达为 "He assisted others with their English" 或 "He provided assistance to others with their English".
"Assist" 来源于拉丁语 "assistere",意思是 "to stand by" 或 "to be present at"。 "Provide" 来源于拉丁语 "providere",意思是 "to prepare ahead of time"。
He assisted me with my English homework. (他帮助我做英语作业。)
He provided assistance to the foreign students with their English language skills. (他为外国学生提供英语语言技能方面的帮助。)