一堂英语作文 篇1小学六年来,我上过许多课,但最喜欢的是五年级时上的一堂英语课《公鸡和狐狸》。那天预备铃响过,师生互相用英语问候后,英语老师在黑板上挂出准备好的课文图画,然后手拿教棒,指着挂图用英语讲解。她一边讲一边把这一段的重点词语贴到事先准备好的绒板上。
由于课堂气氛轻松,表演者无拘无束地进入角色,演得十分逼真,特别是演狐狸的同学把狐狸贪婪的个性和对狗的害怕心理充分表现出来。当他听到有狗叫时,一边夹着尾 ……此处隐藏3063个字……
As soon as I entered the classroom, the students stared at me. I was puzzled. As soon as I turned around and saw the blackboard, I suddenly realized that there were several questions written on the blackboard, all about me, such as "is the eye double eyelid or single eyelid?" "What color are pants and shoes?" Wait, that's why the students stare at me. The teacher is really diligent! At this time, the teacher turned around and wrote a line of bold words on the blackboard with a red chalk pen: carefully observe, grasp the key points, and be a thoughtful person. It is one of the keys to write a good composition. And ask us to remember this sentence with our heart.
This composition class is so interesting!