You can see from my title, yope, today is my first day for 8th Gread and also my first first school day in Amercan. That "first first school day" means today is my first time to began a school year by the first school day. Yeah I know I also went to school in Amerca last year but I was join into that school at the began of 2nd quarter. So that's why I call today "First First School in America."
OK, let's really talking about the first school day now. First, like 7:00 A.M., I woken up and brushed my teeth and washed my face and lots of things just like you will do everyday. Until 7:30 I thought it's time to go to school so I went to school by mom's car.
You know the first day of school always be so funny... Fine, at least some fun. Because you can see lots of new 6th gread students and also some 7th and 8th gread students whos new for here.
On the morning, I saw Dausmng(?), maybe I spell wrong because he's a Korean and I'm not good at spell Koreans' name. He told me he was ELD 3 now and finally he can have regular English and Hisory classes now, I said good for you and I got out off ELD classes, too. Then we took a look of each other's schdeule and found that we got 3 classes in same room. Amm... We are friends so it's good, right?
Then I saw Ethan, he's one of my best friends, but so sad we have no class together so I think we cannt be very close and very good friend this year.
Next, I got a new friend whose came from Xi'an. He was born in America and he went back to China after he borned, and now he came back to America. I helped him a lot, and we talked a lot. Hopefully we can be good friend in this school.
This year I got a P.E. class for my last class for one school day. During that P.E. class, the teacher let me helped a new comer, he was come from Sichuan. He said he learned English for 7 years and he can speak 50 to 60 sentences in English now... I really don't want to critique him, but, how bad his memory is?! How can a human learned 7 years English and only can speak 50 to 60 sentence!
I hope I can be happy with good friends and also lucky on tests.