


尊者 僧伽斯那 撰
萧齐 天竺三藏 求那毗地 译

one hundred fables

translated by tetcheng liao


  §0 引言
0. prologue

  §1 愚人食盐喻
1. the stupid man takes salt

  §2 愚人集牛乳喻
2. the stupid man stores up milk

  §3 以梨打头破喻
3. the head is broken with pears

  §4 妇诈称死喻
4. the wife pretends to be dead

  §5 渴见水喻
5. getting thirsty on seeing water

  §6 子死欲停置家中喻
6. the dead son is about to remain in the house

  §7 认人为兄喻
7. one reckons another man to be one's elder brother

  §8 山羌偷官库衣喻
8. a rustic steals clothes from the palace treasury

  §9 叹父德行喻
9. the father's virtues are praised

  §10 三重楼喻
10. three-storied house

  §11 婆罗门杀子喻
11. the brahman kills his son

  §12 煮黑石蜜浆喻
12. the boiled black - rock honey syrup

  §13 说人喜瞋喻
13. commenting on someone's quick temper

  §14 杀商主祀天喻
14. offering the guide up as sacrifice to god

  §15 医与王女药令卒长大喻
15. the physician gives medicine to the princess to make her grow up

本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/zw/101956.html

上一篇:中英文双语:婆罗门杀子喻 下一篇:百喻经:引言