"地狱之王" 的英文翻译是 "King of Hell"。这个词源自宗教和文学,通常用来描述地狱的统治者或领导者。在基督教中,地狱之王是撒旦,被认为是反抗上帝和煽动罪恶的首领。在其他宗教和神话中,地狱之王也可能有不同的角色和名字。
In Dante's Inferno, Satan is depicted as the king of Hell, ruling over the damned souls trapped in the lowest circle. (在但丁的《地狱》中,撒旦被描绘成地狱之王,统治着被困在最低圈的该死的灵魂。)
According to Buddhist mythology, King Yama is the ruler of the underworld and presides over the judgment of the dead. (根据佛教的神话, King Yama是冥界的统治者,主持死者的审判。)
In the game "Dante's Inferno," the player takes on the role of a knight who must battle through the levels of Hell and ultimately defeat Satan, the king of Hell. (在游戏“但丁的地狱”中,玩家扮演一名骑士,必须战斗通过地狱的各个层次,最终击败地狱之王撒旦。) "地狱之王" 的英文翻译是 "King of Hell"。
In Dante's Inferno, Satan is depicted as the king of Hell, ruling over the damned souls trapped in the lowest circle. (在但丁的《地狱》中,撒旦被描绘成地狱之王,统治着被困在最低圈的该死的灵魂。)
According to Buddhist mythology, King Yama is the ruler of the underworld and presides over the judgment of the dead. (根据佛教的神话, King Yama是冥界的统治者,主持死者的审判。)
In the game "Dante's Inferno," the player takes on the role of a knight who must battle through the levels of Hell and ultimately defeat Satan, the king of Hell. (在游戏“但丁的地狱”中,玩家扮演一名骑士,必须战斗通过地狱的各个层次,最终击败地狱之王撒旦。)