"Supermarket" 英语中是 "supermarket"。这个词来源于 "super-",意为 "超级",和 "market",意为 "市场"。例句:
I'm going to the supermarket to buy some groceries. (我要去超市买些食品。)
Can you pick up some bread from the supermarket on your way home? (你回家的路上可以在超市里买些面包吗?)
The supermarket is having a sale on vegetables this week. (这周超市有蔬菜促销。) "Supermarket" 英语中是 "supermarket"。这个词来源于 "super-",意为 "超级",和 "market",意为 "市场"。
I'm going to the supermarket to buy some groceries. (我要去超市买些食品。)
Can you pick up some bread from the supermarket on your way home? (你回家的路上可以在超市里买些面包吗?)
The supermarket is having a sale on vegetables this week. (这周超市有蔬菜促销。)