"helicopter"是英语中"直升机"的说法。读音为 /ˈhelɪkɒptər/,发音中的 h 和 l 不发音,e 读作 /ɛ/,i 读作 /ɪ/,o 读作 /ɒ/,p 读作 /p/,t 读作 /t/,er 读作 /ə/。
helicopter 来源于希腊语,"helix"意为"螺旋","pteron"意为"翼"。
The helicopter flew over the city.
The rescue team arrived at the scene in a helicopter.
He went for a ride in a helicopter for the first time.
(他第一次坐直升机。) "helicopter"是英语中"直升机"的说法。
读音为 /ˈhelɪkɒptər/,发音中的 h 和 l 不发音,e 读作 /ɛ/,i 读作 /ɪ/,o 读作 /ɒ/,p 读作 /p/,t 读作 /t/,er 读作 /ə/。
helicopter 来源于希腊语,"helix"意为"螺旋","pteron"意为"翼"。
The helicopter flew over the city.
The rescue team arrived at the scene in a helicopter.
He went for a ride in a helicopter for the first time.