这句话叫做“judging the correctness of a sentence”,在英文中,“judging” 指判断,“correctness” 指正确性,“sentence” 指句子。其来源是英语语言学中的术语。例句:
Can you judge the correctness of this sentence? (你能判断这句话是否正确吗?)
The teacher asked the students to judge the correctness of the grammar in the sentences. (老师让学生们判断句子中语法的正确性。)
The AI system is able to judge the correctness of the translations. (AI系统能判断翻译的正确性。) 这句话叫做“judging the correctness of a sentence”,在英文中,“judging” 指判断,“correctness” 指正确性,“sentence” 指句子。其来源是英语语言学中的术语。
Can you judge the correctness of this sentence? (你能判断这句话是否正确吗?)
The teacher asked the students to judge the correctness of the grammar in the sentences. (老师让学生们判断句子中语法的正确性。)
The AI system is able to judge the correctness of the translations. (AI系统能判断翻译的正确性。)