"I will reap a great harvest" 意思是 "我会收获很大"。这个短语的来源可能源自于农业,因为收获是指在播种和种植后收集农作物的过程。在这个比喻中,收获可以指的是任何积极的结果或成果,例如:
"I put in a lot of hard work studying for my exams, and I think I will reap a great harvest in the form of good grades." (我为考试付出了很多努力学习,我想我会在成绩方面收获很大。)
"After years of dedication and commitment to my business, I'm finally starting to see a great harvest of success." (经过多年的奉献和承诺我的生意,我终于开始看到成功的巨大收获。)
"I will reap a rich reward" (我会收获丰厚的回报)
"I will reap a bountiful yield" (我会收获丰盛的收益)
"I will reap a great benefit" (我会收获巨大的好处)