诗歌翻译:《朱子家训》 英文译文


《朱子家训》又名《治家格言》,是以家庭道德为主的启蒙教材。《朱子家训》仅524字 ,精辟地阐明了修身治家之道,是一篇家教名著。其中,许多内容继承了中国传统文化的优秀特点,比如尊敬师长,勤俭持家,邻里和睦等,为历代儒客尊崇,在今天仍然有现实意义。



Arise at peep of day, sprinkle water and sweep the courtyard and the steps; the inside and outside must be orderly and clean. Rest when it is dark, personally check the closing and locking of doors and windows. Whether broth or cooked rice, remember it is not easy to come by, for half a piece of silk or cotton thread, think of the difficulty in production. Prepare for rainy days; do not wait for thirst before you dig a well. Live frugally and do not give protracted parties. If utensils be plain and clean, pottery is better than gold and jade. If there is moderation and choice in food, vegetables are better than costly delicacies. Do not build luxurious houses; do not scheme for rich land. The three ku and six po are evil go-betweens; pretty maids and lovely concubines are not a blessing to the boudoir. Do not use the smart and handsome for servants; wives and concubines should not wear seductive makeup. Be sincere and respectful in offering sacrifices though the ancestors may be distant; the classics must be taught though the descendants may be stupid. Conduct yourself with frugality and simplicity; teach your sons with uprightness.

本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/yhfy/77376.html

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