

Weather for Evansville, IN

  晴 fine/fair/sunny

  多云 cloudy

  阴 overcast

  毛毛雨 drizzle

  小雨 light rain

  中雨 moderate rain

  大雨 heavy rain

  阵雨 shower

  雷阵雨 thundershower

  雨夹雪 sleet

  有雪 snowy

  霜冻 frosty

  冰雹 hail

  有风 windy

  台风 typhoon

  有雾 foggy

  晴到多云 fair to cloudy

  多云转阴 cloudy to overcast

  阴有阵雨 overcast with showers

  多云,局部阵雨 cloudy with scattered showers

  最高/最低温度 maximum/minimum temperature

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