练字 practise calligraphy



  As soon as the summer vacation is over this year, my mother reports to me for a calligraphy class.

  去练字班的第一天,我随便找了一个座位坐下来。然后,老师说:"同学们,大家今天是第一次来,大家要互相关照,不要吵架、打骂。记住了吗?"大家异口同声的回答:"知道了。"于是,老师 布置了今天的作业,便说:"作业写完了,拿来老师跟前,让老师检查作业。""嗯。"我们说。我写完了作业,拿到老师跟前,老师看了看,说:"你写的字太大了;而且横都往下面斜。以后要注意 写的字都再小一圈,横往上斜五度。"我说:"知道了,我会注意这些问题的。"

  On the first day of the class, I found a seat to sit down. Then, the teacher said: "students, today is the first time for us to come. We should take care of each other and not quarrel or scold. Remember? " Everyone said in unison, "I see." So, the teacher assigned today's homework, then said: "the homework has been finished, bring the teacher to the front, let the teacher check the homework." "Well." We said. After I finished my homework, I took it to the teacher. The teacher looked at it and said, "your handwriting is too big, and it's slanting down. In the future, we should pay attention to writing in a smaller circle, with a horizontal upward slope of five degrees. " I said, "I see. I'll pay attention to these problems."


  After nearly a month's hard work, I write more and more beautiful words, but also praised by the teacher! I will work harder to write better.

本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/xiaoxue/84075.html

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