以下是[作文地带]小编整理的英语作文范文,希望能给喜欢英语作文的读者带来帮助。1.Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌
例句:It was a case of love me,love my dog,for Mary would never accept an invitation unless Anne were included in it.
2.Above Board光明磊落
例句:Jones is a very truthful person.Everything he does is above the board.
3.According to Cocker准确无误
例句:"Are you sure that you have used up all the money?""According to Cocker."
4.All Is Fish That Comes to One’s Net抓到篮里便是菜
例句:Don’t throw that old coat away;let the gardener have it.All’s fish that comes to his net.
5.All Roads Lead To Rome殊途同归
例句:"I don’t care how you get the answer.All roads lead to Rome."
6.All Thumbs笨手笨脚
例句:I’m all thumbs this morning.I don’t seem to be able to button my shirt.
7.Apple of One’s Eye掌上明珠
例句:Mary was the apple of her mother’s eye.
8.Apple Polisher马屁精 讨好求宠之人
例句:Jane is an apple polisher.She is always helping the teacher and talking to him.
9.Beat the Band全速前进
例句:The baby was crying to beat the band.
10.Be Hoist With One’s Own Petard作茧自缚
例句:The criminal was hoist with his own petard when he tried to kill his wife.Because he accidentally drank the poison that he prepared for his wife.