在美国高校,中国留学 生的人数超过了25万,占到了美国留学 生人数的1/3,自2000年以来,这个数字每年还在以5倍的速率增长。中国留学生何缘如此青睐美国高校?
More choice
Jayden chose the UIUC without ever having been to the US.He turned down an offer at aChinese university in Shanghai because a Western education offered him the freedom to choosehis focus of study。
That is representative of a number of Chinese students. They want to get out of a schoolingsystem that uses test scores to determine the subjects students will take, which makes itdifficult to change once these have been assigned。
'One-child' generation
There are other non-academic factors fuelling the spike in students going to the US, such asthe expansion of China's middle class and policies on families。
Charles Tucker, vice provost for Undergraduate Education and Innovation at UIUC, points outthat "children who were born under the one-child policy are now of college-educated age... andchanges in the Chinese economy have promoted individual wealth in families"。
美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校本科教育和创新副教务长,查尔斯·塔克先生指出, "在中国,计划生育政策之下出生的一代现在已经到了上大学的年纪了。同是,中国经济政策的变化也使得每个家庭的个体收入有所增加。
Family savings
Xuran (Sherry) Peng, one of the students from China, says her parents had to use a largeportion of their savings to send her to UIUC。
They believe it is an investment that will benefit her entire family, including her six-year-oldhalf brother。
"I feel like it's part of my responsibility to earn the tuition for him, because my parents actuallyhave the big wish that both of us can finish our education in the US and probably work in theUS in the future," she says。
她说, "我觉得为弟弟挣学费也是我对家人的一种义务,因为我的父母对我和弟弟都寄予重望,希望我们俩都能在美国完成学业,甚至将来可以在美国就业。"