关于"顾客的抱怨"的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Customer complaints。以下是关于顾客的抱怨的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Customer complaints
It is said that the first chips were made by a chef named George Krum, who tried to appease an unhappy customer. The customer kept sending back the fried potatoes, complaining that the potatoes were too thick and frustrated. He sliced the potatoes into thin slices, fried them crispy, and added extra salt to taste them, which surprised Krum.
The customers liked them and soon became famous.
The main reason is that men and women have different ways of thinking. Everyone, regardless of men and women, has equal right to study in University. However, due to different ideas, men and women may represent different learning abilities.
A typical example is that men have more talents in mathematics than women in learning physics.
I went to the supermarket two days ago to supervise the supermarket. The quality of the supermarket is very high and objective. The staff working there quickly put the materials on the shelves, while other workers did a good job as a cashier.
But the problem with the supermarket is that the employees don't trust the customers. They think that the customers steal things from the supermarket, and they also violate the rights of the customers, even if they have not done anything wrong I think the staff should give customers more trust. If they don't change this, it will be better there.
I believe there will be more and more problems and more complaints.