

关于"将心比心"的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:feel for others。以下是关于将心比心的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:feel for others

…… Recently, we held a class meeting to discuss what is noble behavior and what is shameful. It's a pity to see such a thing in our school. Some students don't respect their teachers or parents.

Some students don't take their study and exams seriously. Some people throw rubbish everywhere, pollute the environment, abide by the law and discipline, care about the class and study hard. It's shameful to violate the school rules.

We should respect others and think more about others than ourselves. We should work hard and make greater progress to repay the society. We should try our best to keep the environment clean.





Recently, we held a class meeting to discuss what is noble behavior and what is shameful. It's a pity to see such things in our school. Some students don't respect their teachers or parents.

Some students don't take their study and exams seriously. Some people throw rubbish everywhere, pollute the environment, abide by the law, care about the class and study hard. It is shameful to violate the school rules, be selfish and not study hard.

We should respect others and think more about others than ourselves. We should work hard and make greater progress to repay the society. We should try our best to keep the environment clean.





Always think for others, always think for others, always think for others, always put yourself in others' shoes, put yourself in others' shoes, put yourself in others' shoes, do things for others, bring happiness to others, you can also become a Bodhisattva.




本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/tg/217852.html

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