

关于"喜欢做料理"的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:I like cooking。以下是关于喜欢做料理的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I like cooking

I like cooking because I want people to eat what I make. I want to see their faces. When they think my food is delicious, I will smile at their faces.

When I see their smile and happiness, I will feel happy. These foods are cooked by my hard work, heart and love. I hope they can feel that I don't like cleaning and cleaning dishes and tools because those dishes and tools are greasy and dirty, and they are different from cleaning and cleaning.

Therefore, I always have the problem of cooking and cleaning. I like cooking, but I hate cleaning.





The phrase "never give up" describes my personality and the way I do things. My dream of becoming a professional chef and opening a famous restaurant is up to me. I am determined not to let the obstacles I face every day prevent me from realizing my dream.

I have the ability to do my own things on my own. Lovers have to tell me what to do to make me a success in the field of culinary art Excellent talents as a person who loves cooking, I want to go to a reputable culinary art school to learn everything I can, so that I can become a comprehensive professional. The only way someone can learn anything is through personal training and the Orlando Culinary Institute.

When people taste what I make, what they like, the feedback I get makes me want to continue to broaden my horizons. These are one of the reasons why I feel that Orlando culinary college can help me achieve the goals I want to achieve in my life. I have asked different schools, a successful culinary arts professional, and I think it will help me to acquire the professional skills needed for a successful culinary art career.

I will be able to learn classical and modern culinary arts, a school that emphasizes hands-on training, and has one With a flexible schedule and small classes, knowing that it would be hard work, I was determined not to give up my cooking. At the Orlando School of cuisine, I could try new recipes and try different ingredients. I like to get praise for my work at Orlando culinary college, build my confidence, stimulate my creativity, and I will be able to improve my skills, receive practical training, develop my creativity, and learn from the best teachers what I like and like.





Japan (Culinary Culture) introduces the diet mentioned by the Japanese, that is, food, vegetables and fish are cooked with unstable food powder in Japan, while the popularity of Chinese food in Western Europe is similar to that in Western Europe. Not only rice is the main food, but Japan can taste various kinds of food before. Japan is a country with rich water resources and perfect sanitation facilities, so drinking water is everywhere in Japan Girls who are able to modern Japanese culture and colorful are learning from the ancient Japanese traditional culture.

If Sato and Ikebukuro are also dancing disco scenes, it is not surprising that ancient temples and towers are built adjacent to each other. Therefore, the ancient Japanese in modern Japanese culture love raw fish as sushi, so they are usually covered with sashimi, which is the most popular food in Japan The popular Japanese cuisine is very particular about the simple preservation of food. It is not encouraged to add seasonings.

Especially, it has a good requirement for delicacy and color of cooked food. It not only uses various forms, arrangements and colors to match Japanese cuisine, but also pays attention to the exquisite cuisine of Japanese cuisine.




本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/tg/212138.html

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