


关于”描写地点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Describe the location。以下是关于描写地点的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe the location

First, use pleasant comments to draw the reader's attention to the problem and its solution. After establishing the initial agreement, provide evidence for your claim. Be sure to provide convincing evidence, including all the necessary data, such as date, location, personnel involved, policy, and other relevant information to state the facts.

Make sure that you do not make unproven assertions In a good position to counter possible objections to the adjustment request. After explaining the reasons for your expectations, please state your expectations accurately. When requesting an adjustment, be sure to write the entire letter in a polite and logical tone.

You can appeal to your readers' awareness of fair play, the desire of customers to be kind, the need for good reputation, and the awareness of legal or moral obligations, Annabel.




My dream destination travel has always been one of my interests. I like to see the behavior, culture, attitude and tradition of new people priceless. My dream place is in Venice, Italy.

Venice has always been in a special place in my heart. I always imagine myself enjoying the harmony of weather and beauty there. When I feel depressed, I Just looking at the pictures of Venice, closing my eyes and starting my own journey.

My teachers at school often tell us the story of Venice, which makes me put it on my list. If you want to understand history and connect it, the best thing in modern life is to travel and visit historic sites.




Chinese mainland China is located in the eastern part of the Eurasian continent, the Pacific West Coast, the land boundary is about km, and borders with the neighboring countries. The coastline of the mainland of China is north of the Sino Korean border, the Yalu River, and the South China border is the Beilun river. It is about km long.

The East and south sides of the Chinese mainland are Bohai, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. It is bordered on the northeast by Laos, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea, on the northeast by Myanmar, by the Republic of Korea, by the Republic of Korea in the East, by Myanmar, by the Republic of Korea in the East, by the Republic of Korea in the East, by Kazakhstan in the East, by Kazakhstan in the south-east, by Kazakhstan in the south-east, by the Republic of Korea in the East, by Kazakhstan in the south-east, by the Republic of Korea in the south-east, in the south-east by Kazakhstan, in the south-east Indonesia and Brunei.



From LiuXuePaper.com


本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/tg/207621.html

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