


关于”讽刺建筑“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Satirical architecture。以下是关于讽刺建筑的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Satirical architecture

Satirically satirically satirized mespeak's entry into the gene pool, while the lifeguard did not observe the intelce quotient at room temperature. During the evolution of his ancestors in the control group, he had two brains, one lost, the other looked outside. If he was any more stupid, he would be watered twice a week.

Some knowledge of the spring of drink, but he just gargle. He spent an hour and a half watching every minute. He set very low personal standards, and they never come true.

If you give him the idea of a penny, you will get change.


satiresarcasmsatirizemockmake a cracksacrasticcafe4be5besarcasticsatricalsatirization他用讽刺的语气讽刺meSpeak进入基因库,而救生员没有观察室温下的智商进化过程中,他的祖先在控制组,他有两个大脑,一个失去了,另一个在外面寻找,如果他再蠢的话,他每周要被浇两次水。一些知识之泉的饮料,但他只是漱口。他花了一个半小时观察每一分钟。



The more I think about the problems in our lives, the more I believe we should choose Irony and compassion for our judges, just as the ancient Egyptians summoned Isis and nefersi to represent their dead. Satire and pity are good suggestions. The first is that her smile makes life happy.

The other is sacred. I use her tears to satirize her. She is not a merciless God.

She does not laugh at love or beauty. She is gentle and amiable. Her laughter disarms her.

She teaches us to laugh at hooligans and fools. Without her, we might be Weak enough to despise and hate them.




David ramnick, an American journalist Remnick) wrote after the Iraq War: "in the dark scenes of celebration and death and robbery, the indelible pictures and photos of the fall of Baghdad are the fall of the statue of Saddam Hussein in the fildos square. This image can not but echo the destruction of similar formidable landmark buildings in Moscow more than a decade ago, but the resonance should be profound and profound Enlightening: the fireworks that were first set off in Moscow soon fell into years of painful tranormation in some states of the former Soviet Union. Stanislawlec, a Polish satirist, once said, "dictators still dominate when they demolish monuments.

They are always useful in rescuing those bases.".


记者大卫·雷姆尼克(david remnick)在战争结束后写道:“在庆祝活动和死亡和的黑暗场景中,巴格达陷落的不可磨灭的画面和照片是在菲尔多斯的雕像倒下,这一形象不能不呼应十多年前在莫斯科发生的类似令人望而生畏的标志性建筑的,但这种共鸣应该是深刻而有启发性的:最初在莫斯科燃放的烟花爆竹很快就在的一些州落下了多年痛苦的转变,波兰讽刺作家斯坦尼斯洛莱克(stanislawlec)曾说过:“者在捣毁纪念碑的时候仍然占据统治地位,拯救那些基座,他们总是派上用场的。”。

From LiuXuePaper.com


本文地址: http://m.liuxuepaper.com/tg/207600.html

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