alton towers,中文名奥尔顿塔,它是英国最大主题公园及游乐场,也是世界十大游乐场之一。奥尔顿塔位于英国英格兰中部的斯塔福德郡,园中有各种刺激的游戏和优美的环境,更重要的是此园以奥尔顿塔得名。此塔为一座200多年前的城堡,后来传说拥有城堡的这个家族遭诅咒,成员相继死去。不过现在此塔允许游客入内,但有一部分塔内区域禁止入内,这给了游客想象的余地,或许是真的有玄机。
alton towers - curse
hidden away in the grounds of the uk's number 1 tourist attraction is a derelict gothic mansion, the original alton towers. very few visitors are actually aware of the buildings existence, or the haunted folklore which surrounds it.
alton towers was built in an area named bunbury hill. the land started out as an iron age fort in the years before 1000bc and remained that way till saxon king ceolred mercia made it his fortress in 700ad. right through to the 1100s ad, the fort had many uses and many owners, until it was given to a crusader bertram de verdan for his efforts during the holy land wars.
eventually it came to belong to the talbot family. the first earl of shrewsbury was john talbot who for most of his life fought alongside henry v. the family always remained close to the heart of the rulers of the country.