是 英 雄 还 是 卖 国 贼 ?
american general benedict arnold, who was crippled in battle, distinguished himself early in the american revolution through acts of bravery. but congress passed him over for promotion, and his extravagance drew him into shady financial schemes, for which he was court-martialled and convicted of two misdemeanours. embittered and resentful, the war hero decided to turn traitor.
in 1780, arnold sought and obtained command of the strategically important fort at west point. through british major john andre, his wife's former suitor, he offered to hand the fort over to the british for £ 20300. his plans were thwarted when andre was captured by the americans with the documents that incriminated arnold in his sock. andre was hanged as a spy, while arnold escaped to a british ship, narrowly avoiding capture by george washington's forces.